Thursday, January 31, 2008

Robots and some news

I walked into my room the other day only to see an epic battle of robotic proportions. What did I see?

Yes, that's right, R2D2 battling a robot lamp in a game of Rock-em-Sock-em Robots. What is the world coming to?!

Ok, and now for the news. I'm discovering that it's very difficult to keep up two blogs as much as I'd like. No, I'm not getting rid of this blog. But, I won't be able to update daily or semi-daily like I used to. With my current course load, activities, and schedule it's just not feasible. I will update though. For better or for worse I will probably be updating my MIT blog more than this one (I mean, I'm being paid to update that one, I need to do my job).

What I'm getting at is that maybe you shouldn't check this blog everyday hoping for an entry. Check once a week or so and you should be pleasantly surprised by an entry or two. Also, if you check the MIT blogs regularly, I've decided to implement a secret code that will let you know if I've made an entry in this blog you should check out.

They way I intend for this to work is for you regular readers to just read my MIT blog and if you see


at the bottom of the entry it means I've published something in my personal blog recently that you should go check out. That way you only need to read one blog until I let you know that there's something new over here. Of course you can still check this blog and read past entries if you feel like, I'm just cutting down the frequency of new entries.

I know, this is like the equivalent of a restaurant raising its prices, I'm sorry, but I'm not superhuman and can only write so much.


  1. Well maybe you should become superhuman! Ever think of that!? haha...

  2. You know, any fan of Snively's can just add his blog to their Google Reader page (or start one, then add his blog). All the blogs you read are on one page, and you can see when they're all updated rather than going to each individual page.

  3. you are being paid for it ? you're kidding.

  4. how much are u paid?

  5. omg..this really is stepmotherly treatment that u are giving to this blog and its old readers...TAKING SO MUCH TIME TO REPLY???????

  6. Ah it doesnt matter.. Will watch out for the posts anyway :)
