Sorry, it's been a while, MIT has been kicking me in the face and I just haven't had time to post anything here. But, to my loyal readers, I present you with a tidbit that ordinarily I would put on the MIT blogs, but instead I think I'll put it here for you.
I started up a Facebook account at the beginning of this school year. I'd had Facebook before but I deleted it after they rolled out apps and top friends. At the beginning of the year Facebook cleaned up all the crap and hid it behind tabs, which made it bearable enough to warrant opening up a new account. I've gone through and grabbed all of my status updates since the semester started and compiled them. It's a relatively entertaining look into how a semester progresses here at MIT, enjoy!
Michael is cautiously testing the Facebook waters. 11:55am
Michael just caught a cokroach beetle thing in his room that would make grown women scream. Pics to come. 1:18pm
Michael is looking for the giant cockroach beetle thing that he tried to capture. He's also not going to be sleeping here tonight. . . 1:32pm
Michael is beginning a full frontal assault on the giant bug hiding in his room. 4:14pm
Michael is looking forward to seeing his parents tomorrow. 8:48pm
Michael is duck boating today. 9:34am
Michael shouldn't be allowed into urban outfitters. 10:00pm
Michael is buying paint for his new room. 6:59pm
Michael is ready for the weekend. Already? Yes. 10:00pm
Michael is painting his room. 11:21pm
Michael and Sauza just realized that our room is now painted in Native American style. Oops. 2:41am
Michael is moving to his new room! 1:43pm
Michael is watching "Flash Gordon". 10:19pm
Michael is in bed. 11:14pm
Michael is at work. 6:25am
Michael is blogging. Duh. 7:37pm
Michael is cleaning the floor for Orientation and REX. 8:57pm
Michael is going to kill the Torries today! 10:15am
Michael killed all the torries. The world is now a better place. 3:42pm
Michael is almost ready for orientation to start. 11:42pm
Michael is discovering that DragonForce lyrics are ridiculous. 6:38am
Michael is glad he went to work today. 9:08pm
Michael needs to do laundry. 4:25pm
Michael had a busy evening. 4:03am
Michael is watching a room get painted in some of the scariest colors ever. 12:05am
Michael is going to clean now. 10:01pm
Michael is really upset that Don LaFontaine died. 1:09pm
Michael is classes! 9:05am
Michael is probably getting cancer from the construction that's going on in the hallway. 2:47pm
Michael is cancer free and ran today. 3:33pm
Michael is enjoying spore. 9:41pm
Michael already knows Matlab! Give me my Friday back! 4:56pm
Michael can solve the first 2.003 PSET question and also almost failed 8.01L last year. What's everybody else's problem? 3:41pm
Michael is getting sick. Nooooo!!! Need. . . airborn . . . 12:56pm
Michael is painting a mural while Vista SP1 installs. 3:37pm
Michael is in 2.005. 1:19pm
Michael is white water rafting. 1:13pm
Michael survived rafting. Oh, and Sara owes me 8. 9:11pm
Michael is 2.005 rape!!! 1:49pm
Michael is 20! 10:30am
Michael is stuck on 2.003 PSET problem 2. HELP! 12:59am
Michael is doing 2.005. 8:46pm
Michael is really tired of 2.003. 10:30am
Michael is drowning in Digital Poetry. Suuuuuuuck. 7:09pm
Michael is 2.003. 10:59am
Michael is playing with his brand new macbook. 1:30am
Michael needs help on 2.003 problem 2! HELP! 10:51pm
Michael is going to sleep. 12:21am
Michael is freaking out about mitadmissions. 9:44pm
Michael is one test down, one to go. 7:36pm
Michael is going to have to retake 2.005 :(. 12:18pm
Michael is going to have a toy on shelves! 8:58pm
Michael is grinding through life at the 'tute. 12:53pm
Michael is watching CNN! 7:15pm
Michael is election-ing. 8:47pm
Michael is going to have to figure out 2.005 at some point. 9:04pm
Michael is angry both at the letter "S" and the word "Instantaneous". 12:14pm
Michael is on the same couch he was on 5 hours ago. 10:14pm
Michael is vote for me, blogging scholarship! 11/06/vote-for-the-winner-of-the-2008-bloggin g-scholarship/. 6:27pm
Michael is 9:00pm
Michael is and SHARE IT WITH EVERYBODY! 4:35pm
Michael is slipping in the polls! share the link with everybody you know! 3:13pm
Michael wants you to join his facebook group and invite all of your friends. rs&gid=34109629331#/group.php?gid=34109629331. 4:36pm
Michael is the uncleanliest manifestation on campus? 2:05pm
Michael is you should vote for me, I'm in 4th place now! 5:10pm
Michael is studying for 2.005 and wouldn't mind if people came and distracted me. Just follow the sound of the christmas music. 1:56pm
Michael needs help setting up 2.005 Problem 3. help! 8:32pm
Michael is just about done with 2.005. 10:14pm
Michael is done with 2.005. 11:28pm
Michael 2.003 tonight is going to be a nightmare. 5:44pm
Michael needs to know the kinetic energy of problem 2 on the 2.003 pset. I'll help you with problem 1! 8:13pm
Michael is about to take a 2.005 test. Wish me luck! 6:39pm
Michael is fail. 12:57am
Michael slept in today. 12:06pm
Michael gets to study really hard for finals. To everybody I know, don't expect to see me around a lot during dead week. 3:07pm
Michael is explaining twitter. 6:11pm
Michael is studying for his 2.003 test tomorrow. 10:40am
Michael is ready for 2.003. 10:00pm
Michael has a FREAKING AWESOME PEN! 7:39pm
Michael is in New Hampshie. 12:10am
Michael happy thanksgiving. 12:33pm
Michael is ready for Black Friday. 10:21pm
Michael is exhausted after Black Friday and plans to sleep until the sun goes down. 8:53am
Michael is done reading and attempting to write now. 1:26am
Michael is hopefully recovered from his brief period of being nocturnal. 9:26am
Michael is Navier-Stokes-ing. 12:45pm
Michael is actually working . . .go figure (well, you know, after I finish updating my status). 1:50pm