Friday, November 7, 2008

Vote for Me!

Last year Jess wrote about a blogging scholarship that she had entered and became a finalist in.

"Gee," I thought, "A blogging scholarship. Well, I'm not a woman, a minority, I don't have a parent in a particular industry, I'm not the smartest in my class or major, and I haven't done anything Nobel Prize worthy, so I don't really qualify for other scholarships, but I could definitely go for a blogging scholarship."

Unfortunately, I heard about it just a bit late last year and couldn't apply, which is probably for the better because Jess won $1,000 and probably would have bumped me out of the running. This year, however, I applied and after about a week of waiting the finalists were announced. With five times as many applicants as last year, I'm extremely excited to announce that I am one of the top twenty finalists!

Before I make my pitch I'd like to share my short essay that I submitted to apply.

My blogging began during my junior year of high school. Like the majority of angsty high schoolers, I started a blog because I was angry at life and felt like spilling my deepest, darkest secrets onto the Internet for everybody to read. Unlike the majority of angsty high schoolers, after I signed up for my blog I decided *not* to be angsty. Instead, I wanted to compile all of my most awesome stories, the coolest stuff I found on the Internet, and other random Internet fodder that I find entertaining. No drama, no gossip, no deep emotional musings. Entertainment, funny pictures, and stories. That's it.

My personal blog was around for about two years before I started writing my blog for the MIT Admissions website. A lot of the blogs for MIT were very informative and very factual but not very fun to read. My goal? Write entries for MIT that not only were informative and factual, but also toed that line between appropriate and ridiculously off topic and random. I wanted people to *want* to read my blogs, to start and not be able to stop, to be entertained, but at the end feel like they know a little more about MIT. Maybe not directly, but sometimes the best information is absorbed indirectly and unknowingly.

My blog entries tell stories about eating contests, danger signs, snowball fights, LEGOs, toys, and all sorts of MIT's lesser known tidbits. Sometimes I get yelled at for being off topic. I don't care. I still strive to fill the Internet with awesome and will continue to do so on into the future.

So, that being said, if you can find it within you to do so, please vote for me. A $10,000 scholarship would be huge (MIT is kind of expensive). Here's a link to the site where you can vote:

If you'd like to post the link yourself on your blog, or just spread it around to help me out, it's

I don't know exactly when voting is closed, it's probably around November 17th so go out and vote! Thanks a ton you guys, I don't mean to essentially blog a commercial but, well, I kind of am. I'll make up for it, I promise : )