Sunday, October 12, 2008

Webcomics. . . Alive!

Alright, assuming most of my readers are prospective MIT students or current MIT students, you've probably heard of XKCD.

If not, XKCD is a webcomic with themes geared towards "geeks" including mathematicians, physicists, and people who just enjoy technology. It's written by a guy named Randall Monroe and has a relatively large cult following. I've written about various XKCD encounters I've had, here and here.

Several weeks ago Randall published this comic:

Last week, lo and behold, a new button appeared near the comment box on YouTube:

That's right, a joke in a comic was implemented a week later on YouTube, making Randall Monroe inadvertently semi-more famous than he already is. I guess you can take two things away from this.

1) If you write a really funny comic about something you may incite change on one of the internet's most famous and popular websites.
2) Always audio preview your comments so you don't sound stupid.


  1. "Alright, assuming most of my readers are prospective MIT students or current MIT students, you've probably heard of XKCD." lol, i am prospective MIT student. Ehsan is too. Michael i want to ask from you something. i am taking part in NASA aeronautic competition. i wonder if you could bring me in contact with an MIT student from course 16(aerospace engineering). you can e-mail me for more information. you can find my e-mail at my profile. this is something VERY VERY important. if i win this competitions, it will play a crucial role for admission to MIT. so PLEASE, help me.

  2. lol, and I thought YouTube implemented that all on its own. Thank you for enlightening me!

  3. Whoa. I was just at XKCD and then i came here, and its like "Whoa! I just saw that!"

  4. WOW! I feel cool having read that comic before you posted! I also feel extra cool for discovering this joke before the POST!

    This shows to everyone that they're everywhere! SHHSHSH! The walls can hear us !
