Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh the People You'll Meet

I mention from time to time the crazy people I meet here. I figured I'd discuss that a little bit. On MIT's website they have a list of famous alums, some of who are:

Founder of Texas Instruments
Founder of Bose Stereo
Inventor of the Internet
Founder of Campbell's Soup

So many amazing people come out of here, but I've been noticing that a lot of amazing people are still here. Who have I met?

The guy who invented artificial intelligence (yes, he invented it, it's a big deal!)
The guy who invented the nub-joystick on some laptop keyboards
The roommate of the guy who invented computer spreadsheets (Excel)
A best friend of the Eepy Birds

I was going to include a line from Dr Seuss's "Oh the places you'll go" because I thought it might mention "the people you meet," but it doesn't. So, there's no inspirational or uplifting quote to finish off this post, sorry about that!


  1. I was just reading that Dr. Suess book the other day, quite the amazing book, I must say.

    And AI is what I want to study; it would be amazing to work with the guy who invented it! Wow, MIT is just incredible.

  2. hey! you forgot Mr Negroponte !!! how could you !
    AI, ah! maybe one day i'll make a cortana (^^ i'm sure you understand me).

  3. er, if could not cure AIDS please, i wanted to do that, but go ahead with the fuel idea ^^

  4. wow, very impressive that you know the roommate of the guy who created excel. like that matters at all
