Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weezer -- "Pork and Beans"

If you like YouTube or the internet then you'll LOVE Weezer's new music video! The sad part? I recognize every single meme on there (except for the crying emo/goth/blond girl one). Amazing. . .


  1. you mean to tell me that Snively, internet demi-god, has never seen the Chris Crocker video?

    I have filled your gap in internet meme-ology

  2. 1. Snively is more like the Internet's errand boy than demi-god. He delivers useless crap from the internet to people who have better things to do than go look for it themselves.
    2. Give the song props too, because its so damn catchy.
    3. I'm puzzled as to how they made it. I think it would have been disturbing to round up so many people to do this, so I'm chalking it up to some fantastic video editing.

  3. No, they actually did hire all of these people.

  4. wait, no, seriously, you didn't recognize Chris Crocker?
