Sunday, December 30, 2007

MIT Admissions Banner Picture

So I mentioned that I'd post my admissions banner pictures if I couldn't decide between several but I ended up with just one that I liked so there was no real decision to be made. But . . . I'll post it anyway. Here you go (click to enlarge):

Just a couple more weeks and I'll be blogging, w00t!


  1. Very cool! How come you chose to go with a Salem theme and not an MIT one though?

    And do you know when / about what your first post will be??

  2. No offense meant, but I have to second Star/Tamara on this one...I was under the impression that our banners were supposed to reflect part of MIT/Boston/Cambridge. That being said, it's not a bad pic. (Your dad's a firefighter, right?)

  3. It didn't really look like it had to be MIT (Mollie, Dereck, Mitra, and Chris) so since I'm not in Boston and I love Salem I figured I'd take my picture while I was here. Plus, I like fire trucks! Maybe if Ben doesn't mind the work I'll try to pose in front of a different truck every several months. How about it Ben?

  4. Good point about Mitra - although I'm pretty sure Derrick's on that footbridge right between Stata and Building 16. Anyhow, I see your point. Like I said, it's probably not a big deal, just letting you know. ;)

    I was also planning on switching my picture every now and then (perhaps with the seasons ^_^), so now we can both annoy Ben together. =P

  5. I think Mitra's was taken on a D-Lab excursion, so it is MIT related

    However, it doesn't seem to me that a non-MIT picture should matter at all, as long as it's not, say, a Harvard fire truck ;)

  6. Nice!

    Okay, so maybe I'm biased because I think it's awesome that one of the MIT bloggers is from Oregon, but the pic does look pretty cool.

  7. hmmm, we could probably get a picture of you either sitting in or standing next to the MIT ambulance. Not that ambulances are as awesome as fire trucks, but they're still pretty cool.
