Monday, November 5, 2007

Remember Remember . . .

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...

Hackers at MIT never sleep.

So remember remember the fifth of November
Hacking and sneaking a lot,
I see no reason why hacking and sneaking
Should ever be forgot...

Pictures courtesy of Eric Schmiedl
E-mail: unlocked [at] mit [dot] edu


  1. "Remember remember the fifth of November
    Hacking and sneaking a lot"
    That made me laugh :) As for the pics, MIT hackers are AMAZING! Seriously, without a doubt, amazing. That must've taken forever... And since MIT students in general never sleep, I can just imagine what hackers go through.

  2. There's another component of the hack that most of you missed at about 12:30AM in the EC courtyard... I'll tell you about it later.

  3. Blowing stuff up or something like that?? 'Cuz that would make me very happy :)

  4. I can neither confirm nor deny the blowing up of Parliament at 12:30AM in the EC courtyard but I will say that Facilities Operations watchmen were in East Campus at 1AM...
