Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I Need Your Help


As you may or may not know, The Simpsons movie is working its way to theaters on July 26. It's one of the only animated movies to hit theaters that isn't some new-fangled 3D masterpiece. It's pure 2D and looks awesome! Here's why I need your help:

The promoters for the movie are starting to develop some marketing plans that will boost public support for the movie. They've converted a dozen 7-11's into Kwik-E-Marts where they are selling Squishees, Buzz Cola, and Krusty-O's.

So, why do I need your help? There is a contest underway at USAToday.com to elect the city where the premier of the movie will be held. The powers at be have decided that the movie needs to be premiered in Springfield, but there are 14 Springfields in the United States that all want it.

HEY! There's a Springfield in Oregon! What's that you say? Oregon's Springfield has long been regarded as the actual Springfield from the show? Matt Groening used to live in Oregon?

Springfield Oregon has gotten totally into this Simpsons hype and is dying to host the movie premier. Check out this local news clip covering some of their antics:


I need you to help vote for Springfield Oregon as the Springfield to win it. Here's all you have to do, just go to this website and vote. That's it.


Bring the Simpsons Home(r)!