Monday, February 19, 2007


I was wandering the interwebs when I found a checklist that diagnoses senioritis. I decided to see if it really was as bad as I thought it was. . . it was. Here are the signs to look for (I've bolded the ones that actually apply to me (they honestly apply to me)):


... you check your facebook more than three times a day and don't start your homework till 10 pm...or 12 am...or don't even do it at all. would fight for a cure for Senioritis...if you just weren't so lazy.

..."I'll do it before I graduate" becomes "I'll do it the night before I graduate". actually find yourself doing a math problem to figure out how low of a grade you can get on your finals and still pass a class. think to yourself "Why am I still here?" more than four times a day, quite possibly up to three times a period. have just gotten into your top college and are sooo ready to celebrate it. can tell someone the recap of every tv show on every channel from any given night of the week. figure as long as you get a decent grade in your classes there's no sense in doing extra credit or work.'re often seen in the hallway with marks on your face from falling asleep on your desk. Again. don't even waste energy arguing with the people you disagree with anymore since you're gonna be leaving soon anyway. find yourself trying to talk all your teachers into blowing off class and watching a movie instead. have memorized every poster, painting, and decoration in each of your classroom's walls. think senior priviledges of sleeping in means sleeping in...the entire day.

...your schedule is so easy it's not even funny. will make up any excuse to do anything slightly fun and off the wall just to make the day a little more interesting. suddenly feel like boycotting, protesting on, and flat out bitching about every single rule and regulation at school.

...someone says to you,"It's Wednesday night, why are you out???" and you say "Because I'm a Senior, thats why!"

It's sad really, but so many of those made me say "HEY! That's me!!!" and there are people that read this blog that can vouch for that. Hey guys, these are true, aren't they?