Monday, January 8, 2007

3 Important Things

Number One:

Remember how I said Greg had attacked my blog with comments to be number 1,000? Well, whenever a comment is left I get an e-mail. Take a look at what my inbox looked like today:

The boxed area is his rapid-fire attempt to get to be number 1,000. The rest of the comments are just him being him. Ignore the one that says it's from Paige, it's really from Greg. It's a Gmail thing, it does some stuff kinda funky. Anyway, Greg, you weren't successful, bwahahahah!

Number Two:

I got a new shirt today! I bought it for my binary speech, wanna see?

Yay! Power button shirt! It's binary, and if you don't understand why, you aren't geeky enough.

Number Three:

Here's another amazing artist video for you. I just sat there gaping when I saw this. . .


  1. I get no respect around here.

  2. so when I was in Mexico I saw a man paiting pictures like this... It was amazing! I am so determined to learn how to do that! Its amazing cause they do these things that you think are totally amazing and then black it out! I was yelling at the screen but then he changed the big black spots to this like pyramids and things! I AM AMAZED TRUELY AMAZED!

  3. SO it is still as amazing as i thougth it was last night! SO amazing I had to watch it agian! WOW! I am still determined to learn how to do that... SO YEAH!

  4. Paige the sex kittenJanuary 10, 2007 at 6:44 PM

    hey, I haven't watched the video yet, but I did see your shirt today! I loved it! I was going to say something about it, but I got distracted!

    I lurve and understand Binary sadly...not all of it, but I can figure it out. its quite depressing. its even more depressing I spelled "love" "lurve"

  5. Jessica, sweetcheeks, you misspelled "truly".
