Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I live in Oregon so here, snow is a big deal. It simply doesn't snow as often as we'd all like, but this week we were graced with the fluffy white stuff so much so that I am writing this particular entry while enjoying a 2 hour delay before I have to go to school. I have two stories to tell. The first is from calculus class. We were all sitting peacefully, working on homework, when all of a sudden somebody opens the classroom door. Now, since the door was open, a person in my class had an opportunity to lean back in his chair and look out the door and down the hallway. . .

"Look at all that snow! It's snowing so hard!"

*VWOOM!* Half the class leaps out of their chairs and runs to the door. No exaggeration, we jumped up and ran. Once we got to the door and saw the snow it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened. One brave student made a run for it, out the door and into the snow. We looked at each other nervously. Another made a break for it. After that it was everybody for themselves as we stormed from the classroom and outside into the snow. Snowballs were thrown, snowflakes were caught on tongues, it was a happy moment. Unfortunately, our teacher ran after us and made us come back in, but it was a happy escape from calculus for a little bit.

Ok, second story, this one with pictures. After school I went outside to walk home and the principle's car was parked right by the door I was exiting. Somebody had built a snowman on the hood of her car! Not a big one, just a small snowman. I found this fascinating, and began the construction of more snowmen. Soon I had a small crew of people helping me and eventually we had constructed no less than 10 small snowmen all over the principle's Mercedes Benz. We then proceeded to create a big snowman right in front of her door so that she couldn't gain entry into her car. It was all rather exciting. Snow brings out the best in people me thinks. Here are some camera phone pics of the car, not the greatest quality, but you'll get the idea!