Tuesday, October 31, 2006


'tis the season for pumpkins, and do I have pumpkin pictures for you!
1st Annual SOMB Pumpkin Carving Contest
Marching band had a pumpkin carving contest, which was entertaining, and I would share who the winner was, but this is my blog and I don't think that's the most interesting part. I was impressed that some of the pumpkins managed to take on alternate identities. Here are three of them:

Now, allow me to explain. South's show this year is "Pirates of the Caribbean", hence the pumpkin with the pirate is South's. North's band is tiny, therefore they have a small pumpkin. The knife is to signify that they are slowly dying (ie, getting smaller). Then, there is the Evergreen pumpkin. Large, and boring. That's Evergreen in a nutshell. Lastly, in this next picture, is the Aloha pumpkin.

This is the Aloha pumpkin because for finals at PCI, the Aloha tuba section all wore our Aussies. It was great, we like Aloha now.

Can you guess which pumpkin was mine? Well, mine was the North pumpkin, and it didn't win the contest. Actually, none of these wonderful pumpkins won, sadly. So, what did I do with my pumpkin?
Ran it over with my car of course! The *smooshing* was recorded and photographed so it could be viewed fondly in the future. Here it is!





  1. Poor you...I am sorry you did not win, but very creative! Michael, I never knew an artistic side dwelled within you?

  2. You failed to mention that "South's Pumpkin" received 2nd place!

  3. So Mr. Howard was totally gonna give Nick a dress. He got 4 free color gaurd dresses in the mail and I walked by his office and he was laughing......by himself... so we went back to see what he was doing and he was holding up a purple, spandexy, one strap dress and said "This is his reward for his pumpkin!! Hahah." He is a funny guy.
