About 4 years ago I had a 14th birthday party. It was quite the evening, full of really weird things that happened, including an errant gummy bear that sunk in a bowl of water. We left it, and the next morning when we rose from our VG stupor we noticed that the gummy bear had grown to enormous proportions! So, naturally, we smooshed it. Well, ever since then I've wanted to do this little experiment again. The green one here had been soaking one day. I've got a red one going now that I'll leave for two days (this just so happens to be the time lapse bear). Here's the large green bear next to a normal sized bear. Notice that the features are much more visible, to the point where you can see the muzzle and nose. It's a big picture, so click wisely, but if you want to see the details check out the big version (by clicking it).
Click the following link for crappy time lapse (don't click it):
Check out this picture: